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LAKAY When we think about Haiti, we feel really proud to come from such country. We feel like there is in fact a place on earth that we can call "home". If we had a choice we would be going to the beach right this instant and wouldn't never have to worry about how the world is such a cruel place when home seems so far away. So many of us are searching for that special place but we don't realize that we already have it. Now that Haiti is not the same anymore we kind of look away and some of us are sad about that because we still remember the good times we've had living over there. We feel so proud to hear news about Haiti on CNN or other local channel and we still send money to the poors. But Haiti need more than that.
That special place need people to help plant trees, great teachers to educate our young children, businessmen to help the ecocomy to grow...That special place need a little bit of everyone. No matter what you do, Haiti still need you. We love to get up in the morning and drink some "thé ti bom". We love the fact that overthere we feel so free doing whatever we want without having someone to hold us. Yeah!! Haiti 20 years ago was like that. While reading Haiti's History you will realize that the long sought paradise was there all along and you'll get a better understanding of where we come from and why some of us are still dreaming about this small but yet special island. You'll also have a chance to send me an e-mail to let me know what you think about this site (i.e. your ideas to make it better, if you have some litterature you'd like to place here et...)--I will keep your comments in mind and will do my best to grant them. If you also have a memory to share about Haiti, I strongly encourage you to share it with many who will be visiting this site and for those who are still feelling skeptical about all of what this "Republique" represent for the black community.

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